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Electricity expenditure in cryptoasset mining is a major concern in the market and pursues to maintain initiatives that preserve the concept of sustainability.

Although networks such as Ethereum and Bitcoin are considered large consumers of electricity, transactions through the Solana network use less energy than two Google searches.

According to a survey presented by Solana recently, each transaction on the network consumes about 0.00051 kWh or 1,836 Joules. Meanwhile, the bitcoin network consumes more energy than all of Argentina.

Developed to present a high-performance platform, Solana’s network has high transaction processing capacity and low operational cost.

Mining Power Consumption Designed to provide a high-performance platform, Solana has high transaction processing power combined with low operating costs.

As a result, each transaction on Solana uses less power than two Google searches, or “24 times less power than charging your phone”. 

Less energy than Ethereum and Bitcoin

 Unlike Ethereum or Bitcoin, the Solana network does not require large electricity capacity to power the data mining activity. With almost 1,200 validator nodes, the Solana network consumes 3,186,00 kWh per year, or yet, electricity needed to power 986 homes.

“In Solana, there is no need for energy-intensive mining, which means the network is extremely environmentally efficient. And thanks to several important technical innovations, such as history proofing and parallel processing, activities on Solana consume far less energy than you might think”. 

Transactions over the Solana network consume 69 times less energy than the Ethereum 2 network, which was recently deployed and designed to lower costs and the need for data mining.

And while transactions over the Ethereum 2 network require 126,000 J of electricity to be completed, this energy expenditure is only 1,836 J on the Solana network.

On the other hand, compared to the Ethereum network (1) which only uses data mining, the Solana network consumes even less energy. On the ‘classic’ ETH network, each transaction needs 692,820,000 J, which is 337,000 times more energy than the Solana network.

And this number is even higher when compared to the Bitcoin network, which consumes more energy than the Ethereum network. Currently, each transaction on the BTC network needs 6,995,592,000 J. Therefore, compared to the Solana network, Bitcoin transactions require almost 4 million times more energy.