The cryptocurrency community continues to grow, grasping new opportunities and reaching new frontiers. As a consequence, more stores are increasingly accepting cryptocoins. Sometimes this is made through e-commerce extensions, which is the case of Moon, a payment processing startup. Its app promise that, with it, any commerce will accept bitcoin.
Recently, the company announced that the extension will work in any wallet that accepts the Lightning Network, extra layer of the bitcoin´s blockchain payments-oriented. The extension was working on a beta basis so far and already had about 250 uses applying the service.
With the Moon extension, users will be able to buy on sites like Amazon using bitcoin. The company has not announced when it will be avaible for the Brazilian public.
Moon´s CEO, Ken Kruger said to Coindesk that the extension will work through a QR Code with the invoice. One could also copy an paste if it is unable to use the QR code. So the payment can also be done with its favorite lightning wallet.
Investments towards e-commerces
Jen Kruger further explained that there is no direct integration with the store. “We’re integrating with the Visa and Mastercard networks and receive a percentage of the fees that traders pay when they receive cards´ payments.”
In addition, it is worth remembering that Amazon itself has no contact with bitcoin. Kruger did not specify which financial institutions are helping in the conversion of the bitcoin to fiat currencies in the backend of Amazon. However, the CEO added that the extension should work with any e-commerce until 2020. Even if the platform does not accept bitcoins directly.
Kruger had also mentioned that the startup plans to conduct a series of investments in 2019, based on what they are learning with the behavior of users. “There are many opportunities to help solving some of the usability problems and bring more people into the Lightning.”