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One of the largest companies in the world may need just one step more to the adoption of crypto technology. Apple submitted a document to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) which seems to describe a structure blockchain. The use of the technology allow the company to do the monitoring of the chain of suppliers of the company. Thus, Apple would prevent components used in its products from originating in companies that do not respect human rights.

A mention made by the Responsible Mineral Initiative website reforcesthe suspicion of the company’s involvement with the technology blockchain.. A paper published in December 2018 by the project contains common definitions, attributions, and principles for this technology in the mineral supply chain, according to published material in the Coindesk.

Large companies

The largest technology companies have discovered the advantages brought by blockchain. The CTO of Coinbase, Balaji Srinivasan, recently published a tweet defending that the adoption of technology is already a reality. This is the perception of the technology market after countless projects involving the technology being announced by large companies.

However, lesser-known companies have also made developments with a blockchain. The volume of projects in progress is so great that it has become a complex task to analyze which one will have the greatest potential for success. Therefore, companies how the Deloitte has dedicated teams of data scientists to perform the analysis of repositories in the Github in search of information about projects with the application of this technology.