Investing in bitcoins: different price on each exchange is an opportunity

The investor can take advantage of the bitcoin price difference between platforms to buy at the cheapest and take to the one with the highest price

Editorial Staff  /  February 23, 2021
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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Those who want to invest in bitcoins find the cryptocurrency for sale on several exchanges. And as with currencies in exchange offices, for example, the price varies between platforms. Thus, the mere act of buying and selling bitcoins can turn into an investment opportunity.

The investor who tracks the bitcoin price on different exchanges can choose to keep their tokens on more than one platform. So when the cryptocurrency is more expensive in one of them, he can buy bitcoin where it is cheaper and transfer to the one with a higher value.

At least two sites allow you to track the leading cryptocurrency price on multiple exchanges at the same time: Cointrader Monitor and Biscoint. Thus, they facilitate those who want to invest in bitcoins using this feature of having tokens on more than one platform.

Investing in bitcoin betting on price difference requires attention to fees and delay

To get an idea of the impact that the difference of platforms can bring to bitcoin’s price, when this report was written, the value of cryptocurrency ranged from something around R$ 255,7 thousand in the bitPrice to more than R$ 261.000,00 in CryptoMarket. That is, a difference of R$ 5.000 per bitcoin. It is worth remembering that bitcoin has a volatile price, which changes rapidly, and that this variation between platforms can be much smaller.

However, those who want to invest in bitcoins taking advantage of these differences need to be aware of two critical issues. The first is that the transfers are not instantaneous and may take time, depending on the blockchain on which the exchange is. Moreover, when assessing whether that investment makes sense, it is important to consider the price of bitcoin on both platforms and the miner’s rate —which falls upon all such operations.

Price change does not happen only with the bitcoin, so it can also be an investment opportunity with other cryptoassets.
