Learn more about professions in the crypto universe

Transfero invests in information and professional training to promote the development of decentralized finance in Brazil

Editorial Staff  /  September 19, 2022
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Reading Time: 3 minutes

The shortage of technology professionals in the market has never been more significant. In recent years, digital transformation has already been growing rapidly, but with the pandemic, this movement accelerated, and many companies had to migrate their services to virtual environments, offering solutions to enable hybrid work, telehealth, and remote learning, among other new demands.

The reflection of this in the market became a genuine labor shortage. A recent study by the Association of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the Brazilian Association of Information Technology and Communication Companies (Brasscom) reports that by 2025, the technology market will demand at least 800 thousand new talents.

This scenario undoubtedly affects the crypto market as well. After all, decentralized finance is booming, and increasingly, specialized professionals who can meet the market’s frequent demands for updates are needed.

The supply of jobs in the crypto asset sector grew by at least 400% last year, and the trend remains upward.

Transfero Academy aims to reduce the labor deficit in the crypto market

crypto professions

To reduce this gap, Transfero started a trainee program this year to train and empower new talents for the crypto sector.

“Transfero Academy’s proposal aim is for participants to acquire the training and technical skills necessary to be hired within the Transfero group itself or by partners in the digital asset market”, explains Márlyson Silva, Chief Strategy Officer of the company.

Transfero has already graduated two classes of professionals, and the prospect is that the program will continue to leverage talents in the market to fill the deficit of specialized professionals.

“The sector faces this lack of professionals in technology and, in particular, in the crypto market. We, at Transfero Academy, want to train not only developers but people able to be their history protagonists,” said Márlyson Silva.

The program has already graduated two classes of students, 12 of whom are now part of the Transfero team.

Check out the prominent careers on the rise in the crypto market

The industry is quite dynamic and demands constant updates and changes. However, some specializations are the most relevant for the market. Check it out:

  • A software architect needs analytical and programming skills, advanced knowledge in software engineering, software design patterns, systems architecture, and service-based architecture. The average salary for a professional with experience and such characteristics is about R$ 12.000,00;
  • On the other hand, the quantitative developer (QuantDev) is qualified to create algorithmic strategies for crypto analysis, taking into account in-depth knowledge of the financial market. In this case, as it is a very difficult specialization to find in the domestic market, the average monthly salary is about R$ 25.000,00;
  • A data scientist’s function is to design data modeling processes, create algorithms, and establish predictive models for analyses that allow the anticipation of trends, detect anomalies, and optimize complex problems, for example. The initial compensation for this professional is R$ 8.000,00;
  • On the other hand, the Full Stack Developer is a professional with skills for front-end and back-end web development – both what the user can see in the application or system and what is behind the embedded technology. In the crypto sector, the compensation for this professional starts at R$ 15.000,00.

What are the other activities in the crypto asset sector?

Education in technology is critical, as is specialization. Several careers in this market depend on knowledge of blockchain technologies for programming or new business development.

A relevant aspect is that the industry is constantly evolving – for this reason, those who want to work in this market need to keep up with the innovations, keep up to date, and keep up with the development of new technologies.

One of Transfero’s aims is to bring information and education to the market and consumers. Therefore, the Transfero Academy project goes far beyond the qualification of professionals, although this is one of the essential aspects.

The goal is to promote knowledge about the crypto universe and bring to Brazil a new look at the potential of decentralized finance.