Women are still a minority in the crypto world, but already account for 43% of bitcoin investors. The data is from a survey by Grayscale, bitcoin funds operator. The survey was attended by 1,100 U.S. investors, aged between 25 and 64. All respondents were involved in personal investments and had at least US$10,000 in investable assets and at least US$ 50,000 in family income.
The report also pointed out that 56.2% of women see significant growth opportunities in cryptocurrencies, a percentage close to that of men, which was 56.4%. In addition, 49.8% of women believe that the finite supply of bitcoin could increase demand and price, as well as 49.9% of men.
Another aspect highlighted by the study is that 47% of women see the current moment as conducive to the purchase of bitcoin. For them, the trend is that the price will rise from now on. Yet in male perception, only 39% share this same opinion.
Women invest in bitcoin to protect assets
The report also concludes that women tend to see investments as a way to protect themselves and the assets of their families, and not with the aim of enriching themselves. Of the interviewees, 60% said that financial security is more important than building wealth, while only 48% of men shared this view.
In addition, 42% of women plan to “bet on the safe side” with their investments, while 35% of men said the same. It is also more likely that women will classify themselves as less able to invest in relation to men, as 44% of women said they do not feel confident in investing, compared to 22% of men who responded the same thing.
At the same time, women have a more pessimistic view regarding the United States economy. Only 46% of them are expecting a positive unfolding, while 57% of men were optimistic. A similar contrast is seen when examining their views on the global economy, with only 36% expecting positive developments compared to 43% of men.