For the third year in a row, bitcoin was the best investment among the major asset classes. According to data from Economatica, the cryptocurrency accumulated gains of 75.83% in 2021. In addition, the cryptocurrency outperformed investment classes such as BDRs, stock market, real estate funds, and others.
In 2020, bitcoin appreciated 415.32% and in, 2019, 95.62%, also outperforming all other assets.
The performance confirms Transfero’s thesis that bitcoin would be the best asset for investments in the 2020-2021 biennium and would therefore be an excellent diversification alternative.
Bitcoin far outperformed inflation in 2021, which was to end the year at approximately 10% according to Boletim Focus forecast. The cryptocurrency also surpassed the dollar, with a high of 7.39%.
Gold had 4.43% profitability in the year, followed by the Interbank Certificate of Deposit (CDI), with 4.35%. Ibovespa fell 11.39% in the year.