Rio launches Sandbox to attract technological innovation projects

Applications for Sandbox.Rio can be submitted until June 10, 2022

Editorial Staff  /  May 18, 2022
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Rio de Janeiro is building a sandbox that hopes to attract technological innovation projects. According to the city government, the controlled environment will operate temporarily so that “innovative products, services or processes that do not yet fall under current rules”, can be tested.

Sandbox.Rio is open for registration until June 10, 2022. Until then, companies and legal entities can register projects that fit the criteria of a sandbox.

Rio’s Sandbox can create regulations

The Rio sandbox process seeks to monitor and collect information that can be used to create regulations for sectors that do not yet have legislation, such as the crypto market, for example.

The test environment promoted by Rio de Janeiro’s City Hall intends to test how new technologies can boost the economy of Rio’s capital city. In addition, the Sandbox can select initiatives focused on the digitalization of services and the use of equipment such as drones.

“Sandbox.Rio intends to select projects that drive the city’s economic development. They should be aligned with the municipality’s areas of activity”.

The city of Rio de Janeiro wants to become a technological hub. Recently, Rio de Janeiro was chosen to host Eth Rio, an event organized by developers of the Ethereum network. In other words, as early as next year, the wonderful city will host the Web Summit, considered the most significant technology event in Europe.
