How does web 3.0 promise to solve the problems of web 2.0?

The new internet phase known as web 3.0 may present solutions to the problems of web 2.0 through data decentralization

Editorial Staff  /  December 12, 2022
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Reading Time: 2 minutes

The digital world is preparing for the consolidation of a new internet phase, which is currently under development and represents a reconfiguration of data management on the web.

Called web 3.0, this “new internet” has as its primary goal the creation of a decentralized data ecosystem and can solve the problems of the phase known as web 2.0 of the internet.

Web 3.0 represents more transparency in the use of information shared on the internet, giving back to the user control over the data provided by him. This new phase tends to avoid the monopoly of big techs regarding data control supplied by the internet.

The Data decentralization of Web 3.0

web 3.0

With the adoption of web 3.0, the client-server model of web 2.0 is to be replaced by the optimization of peer-to-peer data management. In the next phase of the internet, information will not be stored in applications hosted on centralized servers such as Google Cloud and Amazon Web.

Information management will be fragmented and decentralized, thus avoiding control of this data by big techs. The user can also decide whether his information is shared with digital platforms.

In addition, data security is one of the problems Web 3.0 solves. Centralized information management can be more vulnerable than decentralized data platforms.

Censorship through digital platforms may also change with web 3.0. Generally, the decision about the conduct of participants in a decentralized network is managed by a group of users, and votes among them decide what can and cannot be prohibited.

In Web 3.0, the digital economy will be consolidated through decentralized applications (DeFi). In this new phase of the internet, the user will have access to financial tools that include everything from selling data to lending digital currencies like bitcoin.

This new phase brings even more transparency to data sharing. In the web 3.0 internet, the ecosystem of decentralized information management is conducted through nodes, where users’ devices act as shared storage for this data.

In addition to decentralized finance applications, web 3.0 will be driven by the adoption of disruptive technologies such as blockchain. PanoramaCrypto explained in this article how the ‘technology that brought bitcoin to life’ is related to this new phase of the internet.
